FSAP presents the annual Henry M. Robert Day program, featuring five presentations preceded by a brief business meeting for members only.
Guests are welcome to attend the full Henry M. Robert Day presentations beginning at 10 a.m., with login available at 9:45 a.m. (ET) This is a virtual event using Zoom.
The program, Beyond the Basics, features the following workshops and speakers:
I. Bylaw Nuggets or Lumps of Coal – Patricia McDougle, PRP
II. What Robert’s and Clients Have Taught Us About Bylaws, Nancy Sylvester, PRP
III. Where Does This Rule Belong?, Sandy Olson, PRP
IV. Interpreting Ambiguous Bylaws, Gregory Carlson, PRP
V. Rethinking Revisions, Colette Trohan, PRP
For more information and to register, visit https://flparliamentarian.com/meetings-and-events/ or download this PDF.