NAP Board of Directors Update

Officer Resignations

The NAP Board convened a special meeting Monday, September 30, 2024, at which time it accepted the resignations of two board members and elected their successors. Carl Nohr, PRP, resigned as Vice-President and Mona Calhoun, PRP, resigned as Secretary.

To fill the vacancies, the board elected Mona Calhoun as Vice-President and Deborah Underwood, PRP, as Secretary, leaving a District Representative position open on the board. This opening will be addressed at a subsequent board meeting.

Censure Notice

On Monday, September 23, 2024, the Board of Directors of the National Association of Parliamentarians by majority vote adopted the following motion.

“That the NAP Board of Directors censure the Legal Liaison for making negative comments regarding the NAP Board and the NAP Commission on Credentialing and that the censure be published to the membership in a special email, that it be posted on the NAP website, and that the censure motion be published in the NP.”



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NAP Board of Directors Update

Officer Resignations The NAP Board convened a special meeting Monday, September 30, 2024, at which time it accepted the resignations of two board members and elected their successors. Carl Nohr,

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